
Portfolio LOrdEnRYQuE


As a web and mobile app designer and developer, I have a strong passion for creating user-focused digital products that drive measurable results. My expertise includes designing and developing responsive websites, dynamic e-commerce stores, search engine optimization, and mobile app development for both Android and iOS platforms.

Over the years, I have honed my skills in various programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, and Java. With an eye for detail and an understanding of user behavior, I am able to create intuitive interfaces that enhance user engagement.

I believe in collaborating with my clients to understand their specific needs and preferences to deliver custom and functional products that exceed expectations. I am constantly learning and staying up to date with the latest design trends, technologies, and best practices to ensure my work is innovative and relevant.


Experience refers to the knowledge and skills that a person has gained over time, through various activities, events, and interactions. It can be acquired through formal or informal learning, observation, reflection, and practice, and can be both positive and negative. Experience can have a significant impact on a person’s behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and decision-making, and it can shape their perceptions of the world around them.

In a professional setting, experience is often highly valued by employers and can be a primary factor in determining job qualifications and promotions. Therefore, individuals who seek to advance their careers may intentionally seek out opportunities to gain broad and diverse experiences in their field. Additionally, people’s experiences can also inform their personal relationships, hobbies, and interests, as they seek out activities and connections that bring them joy and fulfillment.

Front-End Developer

Front-End Developers design and code websites and apps using computer languages, ensuring they look good and function properly across all devices. Staying updated with new design trends and ensuring search engines can find the site is crucial. Collaborating with others and having good communication skills are integral to the job.









Web designer
Graphic designer
3D LoGO designer
Mobile Apps designer
Social Media
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